Vali is excited to begin our first summer camp for Aim High Flight Academy this weekend! We at Vali can’t wait to meet all our first camp students, who will be arriving this weekend in Milton, FL!
The Aim High Flight Academy is a prime effort that Vali is working on with the United States Air Force to help recruit future pilots for the next 5 years. Vali would also like to give a big shout out to AMS and SimiGon for helping Vali create a once in a lifetime experience for these kids! We know that all the Aim High Academy students are looking forward to learning how to fly from the great team at AMS!
All our students will train under the Federal Aviation Administration’s Regulation Part 61 with a maximum of 15 flight hours: with the intent of soloing in an aircraft at the Peter Prince Airfield. Students will also be taking field trips with the Air Force to military installations around the Pensacola area to see and learn what their futures could hold! We are looking forward to meeting all our Aim High Academy students in their camps this year!
Vali is excited to help create a fun and learning summer experience for all the Aim High Students, so we can see them solo!