Aim High Flight Academy summer camp one is a go and has taken flight in Milton, FL this past week! All our first camp students have taken off and begun their training to become future pilots! Vali is extremely proud of all these students and their commitment to learning how to fly! We also couldn’t have been able to do this without the help of AMS in Milton, FL, and SimiGon.
Camp one students have begun gaining their flight time and simulation hours so they can move forward with their goal of soloing at the end of their camp! All our students will train under the Federal Aviation Administration’s Regulation Part 61 with a maximum of 15 flight hours: with the intent of soloing in an aircraft at the Peter Prince Airfield.
Each student will take off and land the plane during their flights, as well as, practicing maneuvers with a trained instructor from AMS. The instructors at AMS will be ensuring that each student is ready for their solo flight at the end! Students will also be learning and practicing how to execute their flight plans in the simulators and the classroom from AMS’s instructors. The Air Force is also taking students on field trips to military installations around the Pensacola area to show the students what their futures could hold as pilots in the military.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that Vali is proud to offer all the students in our camps this summer! Vali has enjoyed creating a fun and exciting learning experience for all our students. We can’t wait to see everyone solo and find out what the future holds for each of them!