Cardiac Warriors Unite!!

The American Heart Association’s Heart Walk in Huntsville was May 15, 2021. Vali is extremely proud to announce our support and sponsorship! Vali’s president Steve Smith holds this event close to his heart ever since his stent procedure back in 2006. He serves on the Executive Leadership Team for the Huntsville Heart Walk. He is…

ALOG Acquisition

Vali is excited to announce that on November 1, 2020 we have acquired ALOG Corporation. ALOG has over 14 years of experience in military base support with capabilities in Base Operations Support Services, Transportation, Maintenance, Training, and Supply which Vali is excited to add to our repertoire. With the addition of ALOG, Vali now has…

Aim High Flight Academy

Vali, Inc is excited to announce our newest Prime effort called AIM HIGH Flight Academy (AHFA) in Milton, FL. This will be a 5-year partnership with USAF Recruiting Services where Vali, Inc will be helping recruit future pilots. Vali is teamed with SimiGon who will be focused on simulations and the AHFA website; and with…